Saturday, January 23, 2016

BLITZ 'All Out Blitz: The Very Best of Blitz'

I remember the punk hits they had but was always spooked by a lot of Oi. My friend Scott suggested that I delve back into their music so I'm doing a Best Of. The stuff I know still sounds like fun raw rock and roll. What I was really shocked with, was the new wave album they released in 1983, a complete and I'm sure an unacceptable departure for the band back then. I like this sound a lot more now. Probably would have hated it in 1983. With the 3 or 4 chord punk rock and roll, there's some direct Still Little Fingers and Sex Pistols lifts.


  1. I am not a fan of the new wave stuff. The first LP and associated singles rock though. Check out Infa Riot if you like this stuff.

    1. I have a million records to catch up on. I already know Infa Riot and I'm not thinking to go there right now.

  2. I love the first Blitz album and early stuff...but I also love that 1983, Second Empire Justice album. I feel like the song "New Age" is the connecting link between the two.
